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Brand Champion: Chris Erwin


Brand Champion: Chris Erwin

Published: 21 Aug 2017

In business, especially the restaurant business, owners must continuously evolve to succeed. Salt Lake City Owner/Operator Chris Erwin understands this necessity and the importance of utilizing all resources at his disposal.

“What worked yesterday might not work for you today,” explains Erwin. “You have to constantly strive for success, which means not being afraid to make changes.”

With the support and assistance of Dickey’s corporate office, Erwin utilizes social media and community outreach, in additional to more traditional advertising and marketing methods, to generate awareness and buzz in the community. These efforts paid off recently when Erwin and his team outdid themselves, catering a large event for a local government office. The event coordinators were so impressed that they submitted an extremely positive review on Dickey’s website, raving about the service, food and overall experience working with Erwin and his team.

“It just goes to show how much you can gain when you make it your goal to exceed the expectations of every single guest you serve,” says Erwin. “This is how you build loyal, returning customers.”