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Dickey's Throwback Thursday: A Presidential Barbecue

Published: 06 Jun 2013

Back in the 1970s, Roland Dickey attended all catering jobs for Dickey’s Barbecue. He knew that catering would be Dickey’s secret weapon in becoming the biggest and best barbecue franchise in the country.

In 1976, Dickey’s was asked to cater a Texas Barbecue for a presidential candidate. As it turned out, that candidate was former governor of California, Ronald Reagan. The barbecue brought together Texas’ most successful oilmen and businessmen for a meet and greet for Reagan.

Roland Dickey recalls it being an unforgettable experience. “Every person in the room wanted to meet Reagan,” said Dickey. “He seemed to captivate a room that typically would’ve been hard to control.”

Reagan even insisted on greeting all of Dickey’s employees and being introduced to each and every one of them. Politicians usually don’t agree on much, but barbecue seems to be one thing that all can enjoy.