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Mr. Dickey on "Today in LA"

Published: 31 May 2013

Los Angeles, California is not exactly the first place that comes to mind when you think about barbecue. But, Dickey’s Barbecue plans to change all that. The fastest growing barbecue concept in the country is expanding in the LA area and decided it was time to introduce the area to our very own Mr. Dickey.

Mr. Dickey donned his signature red apron and fedora while hanging out on the Today in LA set with Todd Schwartz, franchise owner of the Dickey’s in Northridge.

With his trademark humor, Mr. Dickey dished with the host on how to make the best rib rub, turning a grill in to a smoker and his colorful take on barbecue and entertaining.

nbc la picWe left the crew full and begging for more. LA you have officially been smoked!

Watch the full clip on NBC Los Angeles, here.