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Real Talk with Jamie and Liza Bynum of Lancaster and Palmdale


Real Talk with Jamie and Liza Bynum of Lancaster and Palmdale

Published: 08 Jan 2016

Jamie and Liza Bynum both came from the IT industry, but after over a decade of experience working for someone else, they decided it was time to open their own business. They knew they wanted a proven concept that would train and support them as they learned a new trade and developed a business plan.

Dickey’s emerged as the obvious choice, and Jamie attended the four week training program, Barbecue University, to learn all about not only food preparation but owning a business. “We have benefitted tremendously from Dickey’s training,” Jamie says. “But Dickey’s doesn’t just train. They support us through local marketing and advertising, and help us with catering leads as well.”

The Bynums are happy to own two stores in California that are family-friendly and family-oriented. With many full service restaurants in the area, Jamie says that Dickey’s provides a great alternative for families to enjoy quality, delicious food with reasonable prices and quick service. He regularly sponsors local sports teams and caters for the many businesses in the community, and is also very active on social media.

With two existing stores and three more in the works, Jamie and Liza have become successful business owners and have great second careers with Dickey’s Barbecue Pit.