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Albuquerque Journal: Dickey’s doubling its Duke City presence

Published: 15 Apr 2016

On the Dickey’s docket for summer 2016: More barbecue in Albuquerque.

The local franchisees for the barbecue chain have identified the site for their second Albuquerque restaurant — along Wyoming NE, near Constitution — and expect to be open by this summer.

Contractors have already started work on the 2,000-square-foot eatery, which franchisee Deepak Shah said will feature the chain’s new interior design.

Shah and his partner Tim Patel brought Dickey’s Barbecue Pit back to Albuquerque in 2014, about five years after the previous franchisees had closed shop. The duo entered the market with a restaurant near Jefferson and Interstate 25.

Shah said they wanted an area with more housing density for their second location.

“The Jefferson one is all office complexes (nearby); it’s nice for lunch and all that, but very difficult for families to come for dinner because it’s kind of far away and nobody lives nearby,” he said. “We figured we’d stay where residences are (for the second site).”

Shah said the ultimate goal is to open one or two more Dickey’s in the market but he will pace the expansion, waiting until each restaurant is running smoothly before tackling the next.