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Digital Transformation is Changing the Way Business is Done

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Digital Transformation is Changing the Way Business is Done

Published: 14 May 2019

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Recently, Dickey’s Barbecue Pit tied knots with iOLAP to transform the enterprise AI capabilities to screen less voice-based business solutions and Alexa voice application. Dickey’s unique application enables its business partners or admin users to access the real-time business data irrespective of their location and smart digital devices they use,  simply with voice commands or interactions.

“Dickey’s app" is the perfect example of easing out user engagement through the digital transformation for the ever-expanding retail industries such as restaurants.

With Dickey's app into the market, the Voice Commerce Industry is booming with innovative applications which can be used to promote your business.

For instance, Dickey’s barbeque application uses unique barbecue vocabulary to cut the training time to AI systems. Alexa has developed an app for smartphone users - inclusive of 15,000 skills which helps Alexa voice answer any questions regarding any business niche or online product sales.

Voice commerce application developers have been using Amazon Alexa to create high-end applications for business lead generation. Several retail businesses including grocery stores, fashion e-commerce, digital gadgets online shops, games & entertainment hubs and e-commerce shops are hiring a software development company to develop voice commerce apps with integrated ‘product related voice suggestion’ to increase their sales.

According to a popular survey, voice shopping can boost virtual sales up to $40 billion by 2022.