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CDC Report: Dining Out Poses COVID-19 Risk Due to False Assumptions

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CDC Report: Dining Out Poses COVID-19 Risk Due to False Assumptions

Published: 17 Sep 2020

'Not all restaurants are the same. We don’t serve the same, and we don’t operate the same'
A new CDC report claims that dining out poses significant risk for COVID-19 transmission, but restaurant owners and dining coalitions are refuting the claims calling them based on "false assumptions".
The National Restaurant Association issued a detailed memo on the flawed conclusions and lack of evidence to the CDC’s claim that the systematic spread of coronavirus can be pinned to restaurants that are abiding by safety protocols.
“One of the major flaws of this report is that it is based on false assumptions,” Dickey’s Barbecue Pit CEO Laura Rea Dickey told FOX Business. “Not all restaurants are the same. We don’t serve the same, and we don’t operate the same.”
Dickey's Barbecue Pit is the largest barbecue franchise in the US and sets the gold standard in "limited contact" dining. You order from your Pit Master behind a counter. No servers - just the Pit Crew serving up the Legit. Texas. Barbecue. you expect at your local Dickey's.
“It’s very unfortunate to look at that size sample regulation for an industry that has so many variables from what we are serving and how we are serving and interact with guests,” Rea said. “It really just escalates that climate of fear, and it is certainly very damaging to an industry that is doing everything we can to survive.”
Learn more about what Dickey's is doing to keep you safe when dining out
Read the article on Fox Business