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The Best Way to Sip, Smile, and Celebrate Family Moments

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The Best Way to Sip, Smile, and Celebrate Family Moments

Published: 09 Oct 2017

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Have something important to celebrate? What better way to celebrate special family moments than to sip, smile and enjoy a fun night out! We love any excuse to celebrate and our oldest daughter Ashling gave us a great one recently. Her scores had come back from the 3rd grade standardized tests she took at the end of last year. We knew she’d do well because she always excels in school but we were floored when she showed us the results. She’d gotten a perfect score in both reading AND math! Her teacher was wowed and so were we. She even received a letter from the governor of Florida! It may have been a form letter but it’s still a lot more than I ever got as a kid.

That was definitely news worth celebrating. The bonus was that I could also celebrate being off the hook for dinner! Since we wanted to try something a little different, he headed to Dickey’s BBQ Pit for some good old-fashioned bbq We’d heard that not only does Dickey’s make great bbq but that they also serve Gold Peak Tea. Since my hubby and I are southerners, it goes without saying that we’d want tea with our bbq! It makes us feel like we’re back home in Georgia where tea is pretty much the required drink at every meal. =

Before we ate, we toasted Ashling to let her know how proud we are of her. She works so hard in school and clearly it’s paying off. With excellent grades, is super sweet, never gets in trouble and now this, she certainly gives us a lot to celebrate!The girls had never had bbq before but it turned out to be a big hit. After they ate their sliders, they started on our food (they’re lucky that we’re nice enough to share)! Little Keira didn’t waste any time digging into Jon’s pulled pork, but not before dousing it with sweet sauce. She loved that sweet sauce so much that I’m pretty sure she would have just eaten it straight out of the container with a spoon if we’d let her.  Now I’ve decided “Sweet Sauce” is her new nickname and it fits her perfectly!THE BEST WAY TO SIP, SMILE AND CELEBRATE SPECIAL FAMILY MOMENTS

Have something important to celebrate? What better way to celebrate special family moments than to sip, smile and enjoy a fun night out!

Have something important to celebrate? What better way to celebrate special family moments than to sip, smile and enjoy a dinner out!Save

We love any excuse to celebrate and our oldest daughter Ashling gave us a great one recently. Her scores had come back from the 3rd grade standardized tests she took at the end of last year. We knew she’d do well because she always excels in school but we were floored when she showed us the results. She’d gotten a perfect score in both reading AND math! Her teacher was wowed and so were we. She even received a letter from the governor of Florida! It may have been a form letter but it’s still a lot more than I ever got as a kid.

That was definitely news worth celebrating. The bonus was that I could also celebrate being off the hook for dinner! Since we wanted to try something a little different, he headed to Dickey’s BBQ Pit for some good old-fashioned bbq.

We headed to Dickey's Barbecue Pit to celebrate special family moments.Save

We’d heard that not only does Dickey’s make great bbq but that they also serve Gold Peak Tea. Since my hubby and I are southerners, it goes without saying that we’d want tea with our bbq! It makes us feel like we’re back home in Georgia where tea is pretty much the required drink at every meal


Before we ate, we toasted Ashling to let her know how proud we are of her. She works so hard in school and clearly it’s paying off. With excellent grades, is super sweet, never gets in trouble and now this, she certainly gives us a lot to celebrate!

We waited until daddy was off work to celebrate special family moments.

The girls had never had bbq before but it turned out to be a big hit. After they ate their sliders, they started on our food (they’re lucky that we’re nice enough to share)! Little Keira didn’t waste any time digging into Jon’s pulled pork, but not before dousing it with sweet sauce. She loved that sweet sauce so much that I’m pretty sure she would have just eaten it straight out of the container with a spoon if we’d let her.  Now I’ve decided “Sweet Sauce” is her new nickname and it fits her perfectly!

Keira wanted to celebrate special family moments by eating daddy's food.

If you’ve never had bbq and Gold Peak tea at Dickey’s, you definitely need to check it out. I hadn’t eaten bbq for awhile and had no idea what  I was missing. The meat was so tender and delicious that it barely needed sauce (though I did end up dousing it in sauce too…they knew what they were doing when they made that sweet sauce!). You’ll want to get the biggest cup you can so you can fill it to the top with Gold Peak tea! It goes perfectly with the bbq and if you don’t drink it all, you can bring it home for later!It was a great place to have our celebration and we left full and happy!