MS Fundraiser Held at Dickey’s BBQ by Angelo State Sorority
In The News
Published: 14 Mar 2016
From Ram Page:
Delta Zeta held a fundraiser on March 1 at Dickey’s Barbecue Pit where the proceeds went towards funding research to find a cure for multiple sclerosis.
Members of the sorority between 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. distributed cards to customers. When a customer presented the card at the check-out, 15% of the total price would go towards the Delta Zeta Foundation.“We thought it was a cause that needed some attention, so we wanted to make a difference,” said freshman Delta Zeta member Chelle Langston.
The sorority donates from the Delta Zeta Foundation to the San Angelo Walk for Multiple Sclerosis. MS is a disabling disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. The immune system attacks the myelin sheath that protects nerve cells. Myelin allows quick and efficient impulses in the brain. When the myelin is damaged, it causes a disruption in the communication among the central nervous system.
San Angelo’s Walk for MS will take place on April 30 at Kirby Park. “Every year we volunteer at the event. Some girls will walk, pass out t-shirts or make signs,” junior Delta Zeta member Erika Walker said. “We just like to give back to the community we’re all living in. What we’re really trying to do is raise awareness.”Members agree helping the community is rewarding.“It makes me feel good knowing I’m a part of helping fund research,” Langston said.
All the women had one or two hour shifts throughout, but some women remained for a longer period of time. “A lady gave us a donation on the side and said she was really impressed with the young people at ASU,” Langston said.Cheyenne Saldana, the philanthropy chair, coordinated the event.“She just naturally likes to help other people and is really caring,” Walker said.
Dickey’s Barbecue Pit is located in a shopping center and this allowed the members to advertise throughout the area to customers and on the road.
Delta Zeta chose to use Dickey’s Barbecue Pit because the restaurant gives a higher percentage to fundraisers and the meals are a little more costly, Walker said.Saldana has been working on many of events, including their main philanthropy, speech and hearing. “We work with the Starkey Hearing Foundation, which helps bring hearing aids to people in third world countries,” Walker said.
The Starkey Hearing Foundation has brought hearing aids to over 100 countries. “They send us these monthly videos of like 3-year-olds or grown adults hearing for the first time and it is the coolest thing,” Walker said.The sorority tries to emphasize the importance to give back to the community. Many of their events towards the speech and hearing philanthropy will take place in April.