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Restaurant in Nampa Raises Funds for High School Softball Team

Press Releases

Restaurant in Nampa Raises Funds for High School Softball Team

Published: 14 Feb 2014

(Nampa, ID) On Monday, February 17, Dickey’s Barbecue in Nampa will hold a fundraiser benefitting the Nampa Christian High School Softball Team. From 5:00p.m to 9 p.m. Dickey’s Barbecue in Nampa will donate a portion of the proceeds. Dickey’s Barbecue in Nampa is located at 1807 12th Avenue Road and their store number is 208-461-0600. To learn more about this local Dickey’s Barbecue, check out their Facebook page. “I am honored to support and help our youth reach their goals,” said local owner, Cheryl Phillips.  “I appreciate the community for taking part in this initiative and helping us give back.”