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What's Happening in Vernon Today?

Press Releases

What's Happening in Vernon Today?

Published: 17 Feb 2014

(Vernon, TX) The new Dickey’s Barbecue Pit in Vernon will open on Thursday, February 20 at 11:00a.m and the first 50 customers will receive a gift card for up to $50. “I look forward to bringing a home style, family friendly restaurant to Vernon,” said multi-unit owner Clay Stockton. “Families will love our menu offerings and Kids Eat Free every Sunday.” Friday will be a day of merchandise giveaways. On Saturday, the party starts with radio station 99.9 FM from noon to 2:00p.m. This location will also be serving $2 Pulled Pork Barbecue sandwiches. Three lucky customers will win FREE barbecue for a year. Dickey’s Barbecue Pit in Vernon is located at 4201 College Dr. at highway 287 and 70 and their store number is 940.553.4227.Clay and Stephanie Stockton live in Wichita Falls, TX where they also own a Dickey’s Barbecue Pit.